One of our aims is to provide support for the conservation and / or restoration of buildings
Using appropriate materials and the correct techniques are essential to avoid damaging traditional properties during their renovation. It is important to have access to high quality advice and guidance.
For advice and guidance on the maintenance of a traditional property the most comprehensive source of information is Historic Environment Scotland (HES). The INFORM Guides and Short Guides are relevant to home owners. A list of the most relevant INFORM Guides is given below.
Glasgow City Council (GCC) provides some guidance on the repair and maintenance of timber, sash and case windows here.
The Glasgow City Heritage Trust website provides some advice on property maintenance, property factors etc and details of the Historic Environment Grants that they administer.
The Mitchell Library and other libraries such as Glasgow University Library have within their collections original drawings of some of the houses in Pollokshields.
Guidance and details are provided on the GCC website under Planning and Building. The GCC website advises that routine maintenance such as clearing out gutters and downpipes, repainting timber window frames and repainting ironwork will not require consent from the Planning Authority. GCC also states that repairs to traditional window frames, guttering, downpipes and roof coverings carried out on a 'like for like' basis (simply meaning using the original material in the repair), will usually not require consent. To avoid doubt, owners are advised to contact GCC Planning Department for guidance on the requirement for listed building consent or planning permission in relation to items of routine maintenance to the exterior of listed buildings and buildings in conservation areas.
HES Inform Guides
There are sixty HES Inform Guides, with the most relevant listed below.
· Cleaning Sandstone – Risks and Consequences
· Improving Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings
· Maintaining sash and case windows
· Maintaining Traditional Plain Glass and Glazing
· Repairing Scottish slate roofs
· Repairing Traditional Brickwork
· The Maintenance of Cast Iron Rainwater Goods
Pollokshields Heritage guides
Installing Cityfibre in your tenement: A best practice guide (pdf)
Do you live in a tenement and are thinking of upgrading to fibre broadband? Read our best practice guide on how to manage the installation process effectively, and minimise the impact of new cabling.