Planning Advice

Our aim is to encourage development that enhances the area’s environment, heritage and culture, having regards to amenity, character and vernacular

Understanding the planning process that applies in your Conservation Area is crucial when considering undertaking maintenance or alterations to your property. You should obtain advice and carefully consider the planning guidance documents before commencing the process.

Planning Overview

For full details of and guidance on the planning process refer to the Glasgow City Council (GCC) website Planning and Building.

Planning legislation, policies and guidance change over time. For example the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) came into effect in February 2023, whilst consultation processes on Permitted Development legislation have been carried out recently, with further changes concerning domestic, renewable energy being introduced in 2024.

Extra controls apply when a property is within a Conservation Area or is a Listed Building. Additional design guidance for such applications is set out in Supplementary Guidance (SG) document SG9: Historic Development - see below for further details.

Some development does not need a formal application for planning permission; this is known as 'Permitted Development'. The GCC website has a link to the Scottish Government’s guidance. Some Permitted Development does not apply within Conservation Areas.


GCC Online Planning Portal

The search function of the GCC Online Planning portal can be used to locate planning applications and building warrants. There are a number of search options available covering: specific planning applications; the history of each property; weekly and monthly lists of applications and decisions. Using the ‘Advanced’ function applications can be sorted by type, date, decision, Community Council etc.


Planning - Supplementary Guidance Documents

Supplementary Guidance (SG) documents SG1 and SG9 are key documents in relation to alterations and major repairs of property within Pollokshields as the guidance is used by GCC Planning in the determination of planning applications. SG1 applies to all properties within Glasgow, whilst SG9 applies to properties within Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings.

SG1 - The Placemaking Principle (Part 1) and (Part 2) Supplementary Guidance documents and SG9: Historic Environment Supplementary Guidance are all located on the GCC website.

The introduction to SG9: Historic Environment Supplementary Guidance states ‘This detailed guidance provides information on repairing, altering or extending Listed and unlisted buildings in Conservation Areas. It seeks to protect the character and setting of Listed Buildings and enhance the character and appearance of Glasgow’s Conservation Areas.’ Some extracts for common types of work are given below.

Replacement of Windows - Planning permission is required for the removal and replacement of an existing window on all buildings within a Conservation area. Listed Building Consent will also be required for any Listed Building.

Roofs - Planning Permission and/or Listed Building Consent will be required where an alteration from the existing material is proposed or the roof is to be re-slated in its entirety. Where roofs are slated, owners will be encouraged to reuse the existing natural slates.

Roof Lights - The use of conservation style roof lights is the preferred solution in the creation of additional roof space. Where acceptable, these should be on the rear elevation of a building or within the valley of an M shaped roof. New roof lights should not be introduced on the front elevation of Listed or unlisted building in a Conservation Area.

Driveways - Gravel / chips and paving slabs should be used within gardens as a surface treatment for car parking and driveways. Alternatively, good quality simulated setts or granite setts may be acceptable. The extensive wall-to-wall use of brick paviors should be avoided, but their limited use may be acceptable providing the character of the garden area is retained. Bituminous surfacing and concrete mono-blocking should not be used.

Online Planning Portal

Further information providing some assistance in navigating the GCC Online Planning portal will be uploaded in due course.

Further reading